We are a team of Cypriot scientists from the University of Oxford who are currently conducting various research projects at the Nuffield Department of Women’s & Reproductive Health. We have strong scientific track-records in clinical medical research and specifically on the topics of women’s health. We are hoping that our research backgrounds will benefit the development of this project and the increase dysmenorrhea awareness and statistics in Cyprus.


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Dysmenorrhea is commonly normalised in many cultures including Cyprus leading to underdiagnosis of various women’s reproductive and menstrual pain related conditions that severely debilitate women. One of the main reasons for this, is the lack of sufficient information on women’s health in the Republic of Cyprus compared to other countries of the European Union (EU). The aim of this scientific project, is to explore dysmenorrhea across the island of Cyprus and produce crucial information on its symptoms, treatments, effects on quality of life and awareness. We are hoping to aid the advancement of multi-communal Cyprus on these health issues within the EU and set a stepping-stone for future research projects and scientists to build on.


Dysmenorrhea is defined as painful and frequent menstrual pain (cramps) and is it estimated that approximately 20% of women suffer with severe dysmenorrhea. It can be primary (present since the onset of menstrual periods) or secondary (caused by disorder of the reproductive organs). Dysmenorrhea has been linked to lower quality of life and studies show that about 30-50% of young women miss at least one day of school or work per month. Recent statistics from the EU on gender equality, suggest that girls experience lower life satisfaction compared to boys of the same age and are more likely to fall behind.

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